Time lapse video added to youtube

Published on Mar 23, 2016

A craftsman at work, a skill that is second nature: Cut, grind, file, clamp, fit, braze, weld. Repeat. Back and forth, here, there, this bench, that jig. Sparks flying from grinders, the flash and whoosh of the torch being lit, red hot lugs and smoking bottom brackets. A day of turning straight lines into triangles, into frames, a pile of steel tubes gradually transformed into something that looks like the bicycle I rode down here on this morning.

All the while, in the background the syncopated

click click click click click-ick click click click click

of the cameras catching, it all, frame by frame.

Many thanks to Mark Reilly & Adrian Parry at Reilly Cycleworks (Brighton, UK) for access and letting me get in the way.

Also thanks to Brian Mcclave & Alex Hyne at Site-Eye Time-Lapse Films.