Reilly Rides Out 2023 & Demo Day in pictures


Reilly Rides Out is back for it’s third year and this time you get to demo the Reilly range of bikes.

We're organising both a road and gravel route on the morning of Sunday 8th October, with Reilly Open Day & Demo Cycle at trainSharp Cycling, Unit 3, Shortgate Industrial Park, Shortgate, Lewes BN8 6PH.

Get to try the entire range of Reilly bikes including the Reflex, our newest gravel race bike and our much-loved titanium aero race bike the Fusion.  Not forgetting the do-it-all Gradient or the versatile Spectre.  Why not get your leg over and try them all?

Routes from Trainsharp Cycling:
Gravel loop - approx 30 miles (GPX / further info to follow)
Road loop - approx 50 miles (GPX / further info to follow)

The rides are intended to be inclusive and cater for all abilities. We welcome participation from everyone.

Free parking at trainSharp Cycling. Local camping available.