At our sister workshop deep inside formula one land in Brackley, near Silverstone we produce the REILLY 600SL carbon frame. We run two Bridgeport milling machines to miter our carbon tubes. Carbon is very tricky to cut accurately and we use very special rotary saws. We also use the full set of tube mitring tools and jigs from Anvil tools in the USA, totally invaluable.

Above you can see our Anvil seat stay mitering fixture, attached to one of our Bridgeports. Being custom made only we have a huge array of tubes to choose from and many different BB shells and head tubes too.

Mitered tubes waiting for tacking and then on goes the carbon. We then use F1 pre-preg carbon fabric to layup the joints, the rest we won't tell you!
BB cluster under construction on our Anvil frame building fixture, we also use another one of these fixtures down in Brighton.
600 SL frame in vacuum bag, almost ready.